Published again! More great news for kayak fly fishing!

My Kayak Guys column in the March 2018 Northwest Sportsman. 
The magazine is available in stores across the region as well as 
online through the digital subscriptions.
Late last year, one of the local kayak fishing pioneers, Mark Veary, requested story ideas for the regional publication, Northwest Sportsman. The ideas needed to focus on kayak fishing and would either be columns or feature stories.

I jumped at the chance and suggested an article on kayak fly fishing, telling Mark, I would base the story on my fishing presentation. He liked the idea and we settled on the March issue. The issue would be perfect to talk about trout fishing from the kayak since March typically marks the lake opening of trout season in Oregon. 

In late January, I sent my first draft which came back with the basic edits. I updated the story and it was sent to the NWS editor. I was concerned about photos because I focus on video rather than stills while kayak fly fishing. In addition to the few stills I had, I grabbed screenshots from my videos and, after a little adjusting, sent them along with the story. 

Into the cloud it went. A couple weeks later I began to worry because the editor hadn't contacted me with changes or questions, especially about the photos. Being an editor and writer, I knew there are almost always questions and clarifications. I emailed the editor and was pleasantly surprised he had no questions or concerns about the story or the photos. 

March 1 came and went and I started looking around for a copy. I search my local Fred Meyer and sporting goods store and only found the February issue. In fact, the only print version I remember seeing in the first week of March was at a convenience store in Lincoln City that I stopped in while on my way to the coast to fish for lingcod with Don. 

Finally, I went online and bought a digital version and found my article. The photos and stories looked good including my shameless promos for my blog and my slogan, Go Farther. Catch More. My greatest surprise was that the headline I suggested was used in the article. 

Needless to say, I am pleased to see the article in a healthy regional publication like NWS. I hope to publish many more, especially if I get paid for them.

Go Farther. Catch More.


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