Teaching others at the Fly Tying Expo

Check out the show by clicking here.
When I started kayak fly fishing, the goal was to expand my fishing opportunities. I have owned a float tube, pontoon boat, numerous skiffs, a drift boat and a river sled. All were fun but each boat had its limits.

As I spent more time in my kayaks, it became apparent, that the kayak was the most versatile boat ever made. I also discovered that I was blazing new trails and combining skill sets, while learning from fellow kayak anglers.

Now I have the opportunity to teach fly anglers what I have learned from my kayaking experiences.

On March 14, I am teaching fly fishing from a kayak at the Northwest Fly Tyer and Fly Fishing Expo in Albany, Oregon. Although I am not being paid, the proceeds from the class help fund the event and help promote the sport of fly fishing.

I am excited to see what questions others anglers have about the sport and hopefully help them discover the fun, excitement and versatility of kayak fly fishing. If I do it right, I will answer most questions, uncover some new quests and make a couple new friends.

Go Farther. Catch More.


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