Kayak Fishing for Everyone

Since teaching myself to kayak fish many year ago, I often shared tips and ideas on my blog, YouTube Channel and in seminars.

The idea of kayak fishing intrigues many anglers and kayakers alike. Anglers are often looking for something new to expand or improve their fishing opportunities while kayakers look to add something different to their adventures.

On Jan. 5, I add to my seminars with an introduction to kayak fishing at eNRG kayaking located near the base of the Willamette Falls in Oregon City.

The class covers kayak and kayak fishing basics including kayak types, fishing opportunities, gear and safety. The cost of the seminar is $10 and includes a $10 gift certificate for kayak rentals or guided kayak fishing trip. Here is the link.

This seminar is the first part of my work with eNRG and I expect to do more in 2019.

See you on the water and Go Farther. Catch More.


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