Out and about and dreaming of Hawaii

This year my spring fishing was severely limited as my family moved from the house we spent 10 years fixing up to a house will are likely to spend 5 years fixing up.

In addition to the move, the house has proved a bigger project than anticipated and so far we have removed wallpaper in nearly every room, painted nearly every room, repaired ceiling tiles and drywall... Ok you get the point.

With the majority of projects completed, we are starting to get out and back to our normal life. Recently, this included meeting a number of people from Maui Visitor's bureau. In a speed-dating style event, I met representatives from Maui as well the neighboring islands.

I had about 5 minutes with each person to learn more about their resort or activity and tell them about what I do. Because I had been to Maui before, I was familiar with the Island. I had even kayak fished off the island, although it was in January and not the best time for kayak fishing.

Most of the folks very curious about kayak fishing but they were unfamiliar with the sport. I told them kayak fishing is an exciting and growing sport and something the more adventurous is going to try, especially in the waters off Maui. And because Hawaii has such a strong fishing tradition, it is a natural fit for those interested in learning about the Hawaiian culture.

What Maui offers, and basically Hawaii in general, was the chance for a great kayak fishing adventure in paradise. I pointed out that the married kayak angler is not going to Hawaii without his or her spouse or children unless they plan to end the relationship. So, it is important that the family is as happy as the angler. All things being equal, he or she will likely only have one or two days of fishing. And, a decent kayak will need to be acquired for those days. This presents a few challenges but certainly it would be worth the effort.

Hopefully I will get the chance to kayak fish Hawaii again. And, of course, I would bring my family. For those interested, check out the video off the shores of Maui. For some classic kayak fishing footage go http://www.aquahunters.com/ which has a variety of information. I have also included links to the resorts and Maui Visitors Bureau for wanting more information.

For now it's back to more house projects. Only five more years...




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