Hawaii for warm weather and sun

With the weather getting worse and the temps and fishing in decline in the Northwest, I took advantage of a kayak fishing opportunity in Maui. 

Mark was my guide and we were heading to the deep water outside the reefs for the bigger fish. Our boats were ones I was excited to try - the Hobie Pro Angler with the famed Mirage Drive. Mark had two on the beach and he pointed to the yellow one saying, "that's yours for the day."  

While Mark gathered his bait, I looked over the boat and cleared what I could from the deck so the fly line had fewer things to catch. I then loaded my gear. Mark came back and together we launched. I immediately discovered why people love the pedal drive. It was fast and simple. I let out some fly line and started the troll. 

As we neared the edge of the reef, the rod bowed and I pulled it from the rod holder and quickly realized I was snagged on the reef. I unhooked and was off again. Soon we were in the deep water past the reef. For the next four hours I pedaled that boat in wind, waves and tides without a single bite. Mark, on the other hand, was able to catch a prized fish with bait. 

Even though I didn't catch anything, I realized that the mirage drive offers a great way to fish hands free. I had a great time and it could not have been possible without Barry from Olowalu Kayak Excursions


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