Let's get started!

Fishing is my single greatest passion outside my family. I fish nearly every weekend and if I am not fishing, I am thinking about fishing. I primarily fly fish but, as I explain in my other blog, Frugalflyfishing, I like all types of fishing.

My interest in kayak fishing started when I bought my wife a kayak. I have a fishing boat but the family doesn't like getting up at dawn to sit in a boat and hope for a fish. So, I bought a canoe which sat on the side of the house with little use. When I pointed this out to my wife, she said should would rather have a kayak. So I sold the canoe and bought a 17-foot sea kayak for Christmas. During one of those cold, wet winter days, I was looking at the kayak thinking how useless a single kayak would be for family outings. So I cruised Craigslist and found two small Old Town Otter kayaks my son and I could use when we all went kayaking.

Spring came and went and we took the kayaks out once. Summer was about half over when I realized family kayaking was going to be as popular as family canoeing. While I was looking at one of the little Otters one day, I realized I could fish out of them. After some searching on YouTube and the web, I  discovered there were a lot of people fishing out of kayaks. Soon I had my "yak" outfitted with a rod holder, anchor, line and some places to clip a net. And off to the water I went.


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